Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2007



Can you stand before the audience without fear? Can you discover content that personalizes a message. Wins the ears of receviers and draws them stay on course without getting unnerved or derailed? Can you deliver a message and can you have fun doing it? Even in our technologically rich environment with its e-mail, personal digital assistants, bearned messaging, and instant messaging.

In the United States there are more than twenty thousand different ways of earning a living, and effective speech is essential to every one.-Andrew Weaver-.

Public speaking can be a horror for the shy person, but it can also be the ultimate act of liberation.-Susan Faludi-.

Violence is essentialiy a confession of ultimate inarticulateness.-Time Magazine-.

Public speaking these are two seemingly harmless words. Public speking is the act of preparing, staging, and delivering apresentation to an audiences.


People respond to the challenge of publis speaking in variety of ways. Some belief that speech making is an inborn skill.

There is just no way arround it- you have to do your home work. A speaker maybe very well informed. Butif he hasn’t thought out exactly what he wants to say today. To this audience. He has no business taking up other peoples valuable time.-Lee Lacocca-. An autobiography.

Report Talk and Rapport Talk

According to researcher Deborah Tannen, men are more comfortable speaking in public than woman are. While women are more comfortable speking in private. Tannen finds that men excel at “report talk”, while women excel at “report talk”.

It is important to realize that public speaking is acreative undertaking not something that just happens when you stand up to speak. The process actually begins when you first consider addressing aggroup of people, and it is not finished until you have completed a postpresentation analysis of you work.


When you listen to aspeaker either in person or through the media how do you expect him or her to behave? What do you want the speaker to do for you?.

Speech….preserves contact-it is silences which isolates.-Thomas Mann-.

Expectation For Speech Makers: Criteria

Good speekers have certain characteristics, which you may to keep in mind as you prepare your own presentation.

From the Listeners Point of view

1. Describe the behaviors exhibieted by the most effectve speeker you have had to good fortune to hear.

2. contrast the descriptions with the description of the most ineffective speeker you everhad the misfortune to hear.

Self Analysis: you anf your Topic

Thorough self analysis is a prerecuisite for effective speech making.

Review your live: Your autobiography, you can begin by reviewing your live in terms of potential topics.

Consider the moment: This moment, A second approach is to consider this very moment as a source of potencial topics.

Search the news: newspapers, nightly news, and news magazine shows. A third approach is to work with a newspaper to find potential topics.

Use an online topic generator, anumber web sites can help.

The alphabet Technique, you can also use the latters of the alphabet to prompt you in developing a list of potential speech topics.

The topoi system. When searching for an idea, you can also use the topoi system of topic development, derived from the ancient Greeks.


Make a list of 10 subjects you believ would be inappropriate for olivery to your class. Discuss how each topic might be approached to make it appropriate. MYGLO an acronym for my eyes glaze over. Poor preparation may cause audience members to stop paying attention a direct result of MYGLO “my eyes glaze over,”

Beginning Your Audience Anlysis: Who Are They?

The makeup of you audience, finding information about the people you will be speaking to can often seem difficult or even impossible.

Sources of audience information, two key sources: Your personal experiences with the group, Original research.

Demographics of audience: What Are They Like?

Age, Gender, Family Orientation, Religion, Cultural Background, Occupation, Socioeconomic Status, Edicational Level, Additional Factors.

Choose a topic of current interest, how would you approach the topic for a presentation to people your own age?.

Summary, If used wisely , your knowledge of audience demographics can help you achieve your purpose of speech maker.

Attitude of Audience: What Do They Care About?

Motivation: Is attendance optional or recquired?, Values: is the audience homogeneous or heterogeneous?, Level of agreement: does the audience agree with your position?, Level of commitment: how much do they care?

We like to hear what makes us feel comfortable and self assured yet this exactly what we have no need of hearing only those who disturb us can improve us.-Sydney J. Harris-.

Predicting The Audience’s Reactions

1.What do the audiences members know about my topic?

2.To what extent are they interested in my topic?

3.What are they current attitudes toward this topics?


Date and time when and how long?, Location and Participants Where and Who?, Type of occasion why and how many?. Speekers needs to be prepared to adreess sales meetings and management planning sessions.


Selecting the Topic:Criteria, Is the topic worthwhile?, Is the topic appropriate?, Is the topic interesting?,Is sufficient research material avaible?.

Narrowing the Topic , Formulating a Purpose Statement and Behavioral Objectives. The informative speech,The persuasive speech. Formulating the Thesis Statement.


Search engine a program that allows you to look through an entire database of information quickly. Speakers use the internet as aresource. How have you used the net to facilitate your speech research?. Usenet news groups aconference system of computer bulletin boards devoted to different topics in which people with similar interests across the world can interact with each other.


Focus on service learning, how can you apply what you have learned in this chapter to help a community group enhance is understanding of sudden acute respiratory syndrome(SARS).

Revisiting Chapter Objectives

Identifity the characteristcs of effective public speakers. Approach public speaking systematically that is , select a topic, develop a topic, present a speech, and analyze its effectiveness, Explain how the nature of the occasion influences a speech, Formulate clear and precise purpose statements for yourself and behavioral objectives for your audiences, Formulate the thesis system.

Resources for further inquiry and reflection


Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind.-Marston Bates-. The world is allready full of speakes who are too busy to prepare their speeches properly The world would be better off if they were also too busy to give them.-William Horwood Brigance-.Basic research is what Iam doing when I don’t know what Iam doing.-Wember Von Braun-.

THE RESEARCH PROCESS: FINDING SUPPORTING MATERIAL Conducting Online and Offline Research, Using the Library’s Online Catalogs, Boolean Search a key word search. Using Reference Works. Computer-Aided and Online Searches. Listerv, an e-mail list of people who have interest in and knowledge of a particular topic.

Conducting Primary Research, Personal Observation and Experience. Informal Surveys, informal surveys and formal interviews provide a speaker with statistical information, testimonials, and examples to use in his or her speech. Interviews.

A Note on Recording Information


Definitions, in the explanation of what a stimulus is or what a word or concept means. Statistics,facts expressed in numerical form. Examples and Illustration, examples: representative cases, Illustration: stories narrative pictures. Testimony, someone else’s opinions conclusions. Comparisons and Contrasts, similarities between two etnies, contrasts stress differences. Repetition and Restatement, when the speakers used repetition, the same word are repeated verbatim.


Why Use Presentation Aids?, cause have several functions. Ideally, they make it easier for the audience to follow, understand, respond to, and remember your speech. Visual Aids, types of visual aids, visual aids reinforce a speaker’s spoken message. A visual that is tangible can add drama to a presentation. Audio Aids, audiotape is readily available and easy to use as an accompanimert to a speech. Computer-Assisted Presentation: Power Point, as we have noted, existing computer programs can help make visual aid production quicker and easier than ever before.


According to Sandy Sparks of Lawrence Livemore Laboratories. “We are, all of us. Being drawn into the electronic world, and we can’t stop it.

Can Too Many Experts Spoil The Clarity?, What do the experts think? Is nuclear power safe or unsafe? Does affirmative action work or not? Do vitamins prevent cancer? Using one of the precending controversial issues or another of your choice, surfe the internet in search of studies and arguments on booth sides of the questions.

Reflect and Respond, Agree or disagree with the following observation. Give reasons and examples that support your position. According to Aristotle,”Of the three element in speech making –speaker, subject, and person addresed-it is the last one, the hearer,that determines the speec’h end and object.”

Diverssity and the Visual, The following commentary on the retouching of a visual for a university’s recruiting brouche appaered in The record. Explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with the position taken by the article’s author.


1. support rarcly, if ever, surfaces on its own. You need to search for it by examining yourself, other people, and published materials.

2. for ideas to affect listeners, the audience’s imagination must be stirred

Focus on service learning , how can you use your researching to facilitate the work of a community group of your choice?.


1. How recent is the information

2. How accurate is the information

3. How reliable is the information

4. How sufficient is the information

5. How approriate is the information

Revisiting Chapter Objective

1.Identify and use the various online and offline research reseources avible to you.

2.Conduct an informal survey and a personal interview.

3.Identify various types of supporting material, including definitions , statistics,

examples, illustrations, and testimonials.

4.Use comparison and contrast, repetition and restatement.

5.Explain how visual and audio aids can enhance a presentation.


Every speech ought to be put together like a living creature, with a body of its own, so as to be neither without head no without feet, but to have both a middle and extremities, described proportionately to each other and to the whole.-Plato-.

Tell Me what you pay attention and I will tell you where you are.-Jose Ortega Gasset-.


Speech Framework a skeleton for speech development.


Outlining Principles: Identifying Main and Subordinate Ideas, Definition, Purpose, Outcomes, Why Under Attack.

Main ideas, the main points of a speech: the subtopics of a speech. Subordinates Ideas, ideas that amplify the main ideas or subtopics of a speech.

Giving Orders to Your Ideas Using Traditional and Nontraditional Formats

Speeches have either a lincar or a linear format.

Traditional Organizational Formats, we will look at five traditional approaches to ordering material: 1.chronological, or time, order. 2.Spatial order. 3.cause-and-effect order. 4.Problem-and-solution order. 5. Topical order. Chronological, or time, order, an organizational format that develops an idea using a time order.

Think of three topics you could develop using chronological order. Why do they lend themselves to that arragement?.

Spatial Order, an organizational format that describes an object, a person, or a phenomenon as it exist in space.

Cause-and-effect order, an organizational format that categorizes a topic according to its causes and effects.

Problem and Solution Order, an organizational format that identifies the problems inherent in a situation and presents a solution to remedy them.

Topical Order, an organizational format that clusters material by dividing it into a series of approriate topics.

Linier Logic, the step by step development of ideas: the reliance on facts and data to support main points.

Configural Formats, organizational patterns that are inderect and inexplicit.

Connecting Your Ideas: Internal Summaries and Transitions

Internal Summaries, metorical devices designed to help listeners remember content. Transitions, connective words and phrases.


The Introduction :

Functions of the introductions, is to gain the attention of the audiences members, to make them want to listen to your speech. In the introduction, one of speaker’s goals is to build rapport with the audience. Use brainstorming to devise a number of ways you could introduce yourself to a group of people you don’t know.

The preview, if your speech is organized in a lincar fashion, after you have used your introduction to spark interest and motivate your audience to continue listening, it is necessary for you to preview you speech.

The Conclusion, function of the conclution, may be considered a preview in reverse.During your preview, you look ahead, revealing to your listeners the subject of your efforts. An effective conclusion heightens the impact of a presentation.

In Summary: Using Introductions and Conclusions,to increase the effectiveness of your introductions and conclusions, use some of this thecnique: Humor, when appropriate. Interesting illustrations or quotations. Rhetorical questions. Surpraising statements or unusual facts. Startling statistics.


Home pages, the opening pages of website, wich details the structure and ordering of information in the site.


In the theater, playwrights, producers, directors, and performers would never open an important show without first conducting a series of tryouts, or preview performances.

Focus on service learning, how can an understanding of worldviews enable you to help a speaker from an eastern culture deliver a speech to a predominantly Western audience and vice versa?.

Reflect and Respond, agree or disagree with each of the following quotaions. Give reasons and examples that support the position you take.

A bad beginning makes a bad ending.-Euripides-. A speech is like a love affair, any fool can start it, but to end it requires considerable skill.-Lord Mancroft-.


When you deliver an extemporaneous speech, instead of speking from a script or word for word manuscript, you usually speak from brief notes.

Revisiting Chapter Objectives

1. Identify main and subordinate ideas.

2. Create a cumplete sentence outline.

3. Identify five methods of ordering ideas

4. Use internal summaries and transitions effectifely.

5. Develop an effective introduction and conclusion.

6. Use a tryout to refine a speech.

Resources for Further Inquiry and Reflection

Listen to Me, View Me, Read Me, Tell Me.


The human brain is a wonderful thing if operates from the momment you’re born until the first time you get up to make a speech.-Howard Goshom-.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually learning you will make one.-Elbert Hubbard-.


Rehearsal is an integral part of speech preparation. It also helps decrease anxiety. Speech apprehension, fear of speaking to an audience. Communication apprehension, fear of communication. No matter what the context.

We are largely the playthings of our fears.-Horace Walpos-.

Understanding Your Fears:

Self Anylsis: How Anxious Are You?. Use the fillowing inventory to find out.

Causes of Speech Apprehension. Before we can cope with our fears , we need to develop a clearer understanding of what causes them. Following are some of the more common causes of speech apprehension.

Learning to Cope with Your Fears: Controlling Anxiety, one of the best ways to cope with the fear of speech making is to design and rehearse your presentation carefully. The systematic approach suggested in this chapter covers both design and rehearsal and should-at least in theory-decrease your anxiety by increasing your self-confidence.

Symptoms of Anxiety , the first thing you need to do is recognize the actual bodily sensations and thoughts that accompany and support your feelings of nerfousness.

Examines the symptoms that you and others in you class identify. Do your lists include any of these physical symptoms?

Rapid or irregural heartbeat. Stomach knots. Shaking hands,arms, or legs. Dry mouth. Stiff neck. Lump in the throat. Nausca. Diarrhea. Dizziness.

Deep Muscle Relaxation: Overcoming Phsiycal Symptoms, muscle tension commonly accompanies fear and anxiety.

Tens and Relax ,1. Imagine that your body is divided into four basic sections: Hands and Arms. Face and Neck. Torso. Legs and Feet. 2. Sit comfortably, in turn, practice tensing and relaxing each of these four sections of your body.

Calm, work through the procedure described in the text for releasing tension. As soon as you experience the warm felling throughout your body, say to your self “calm” try this several times each times working to associate the “de-tensed” feeling to the word calm. The next time you find yourself in a stress. Producing situation, say,”calm”, to yourself and attempt to achieve the de-tensed state.

Thought Stopping Overcoming Mental Symptoms

Think you can or think you can’t either way you will be right.-Henry Ford-.

Visualization : A Positive Approach, Sports psycchologists use a technique called visualization to help athletes compete more effectively.

Other Techniques, some try to include a bit of humor early in the speech to get a favorable response from the audience right away.


Options for Delivery,1. manuscript,2. memorized,3. impromptu,4.extemporaneus.

Manuscript speech, a speech read from a script.

Memorized speech, a manuscript speech commited to memory.

Impromptu speech, a speech delivered spontaneously or on the spur of the moment.

Extemporaneus speech, a speech that is researched, outlined, and delivered after careful reharsal.

Visual Considerations, verbal, visual, vocal.

How do you think a speech maker should look standing before the audience?. Close your eyes and picture his or her clothing, posture,gestures,movements,and facial expressions, and use of eye contact.

Vocal Considerations

Rehearsal Procedures: Communicating Confidence

Keep a log of your progress during rehearsals. Each time you rehearse. Not the location of the rehearsal. The problems you encountered. The change you made. And any progress you observed.


1. Arrive at your speaking location with ample time to spare.

2. If you are going to use a public address system or other electronic equipment, test it so that you will not have to adjust the volume or replace bulbs or batteries unnecesserily during your presentation.

3. Give ample consideration to your clothing and appearance.

4. Let your audience know you are prepared by the way you rise when introduced and by walking confidently to the podium.

5. While speaking, work to transmit a sense of enthusiasm and commitment to your listener.

6. Complete your speech before returning to your seat.


Content, Organization, Language, Delivery.


The internet is not just a resource for researching issues. It can also be used to collect and analyze informations from persons representing virtually every imaginable point of view on every imaginable subject, including speaking anxiety.


Focus on service learning, How can you use what you know about speech apprehension, delivery, or credibility to prepare a volunteer for a community group to take his or her message, on the road?.

Revisiting Chapter Objectives

1. Assess your level of speech anxiety.

2. Use deep-muscle relaxation, thought stopping, visualization, and other techniques to reduce speech anxiety.

3. Discuss four types of delivery: manuscript, memorized, impromptu, and extemporaneous.

4. Identify how speaker can use visual and vocal cues to advantage.

5. Analyze a speech maker’s performances (including your own) in term of content, organization, language, and delivery.

Resources For Further Inquiry and Reflection

Choose any other appropriate resource, then connect the ideas expressed in your chosen selection with the communication concepts and issues you are learning about both in and out of class.

-Listen to Me, -View Me, -Read Me, -Tell Me.

Key Chapter Therminology.

Test Your Understanding.


We now fce the prospect of information obesity.-David Shank-.

There are things that are known and things that are unknown: in beetwen our doors.-Anonymous-.


Informative Speech, a speech that updates and adds to the knowledge of receivers.

How many peoples do you know whose job requires them to deliver speeches?. What percentage of their time is devoted to preparing and delivering speeches?.


1. Messages of explanation(speeches of demonstration that explain the how or how-to of a subject).

2. Messages of descriptions(speeches that describe what a person, an ,object, or an even is like).

3. Messages of definition (speeches that define what something is).

Explanations, If your purpose is to explain how to do something, how something is made, how something works, or how something develops or occurs, then you are preparing to deliver an explanation of a process.

Descriptions, One of your responsibilities as a speaker is to be able to describe person, place, or thing for your listeners. Design and present a three to five minute speech in which you describe an object, a place, a structure, or a person.

Definitions, In most casses, it is used when the questioner is seeking clarification or claboration of ideas from a speaker.


1. Make your listeners want to learn more about the topic

2. Communicate the information clearly by seeking information balance

3. Emphasize key points

4. Find ways to involve audience members in your presentation

5. Provide the information in ways that will make it memorable

Create Information Hunger

Which speakers you have listened to succeeded in increasing your hunger for knowledge about a topic? What did they do accomplish this?.

Seek Information Balance

Focus on Service Learning,how can you help a community group leader cope and deal more effectively with the challenges posed by information overload?.

Information Overload, the situation that occurs when the amount of information provided by speech maker is too great to be handled effectively by receivers.

Information Underload, the situation that occurs when the information provided by a speech maker is already known to receivers.

Emphasize Key Points, can be created through repetition and restatement.

Involve Your Listeners, Thev relationship between audiences and speakers is changing. Contemporaryaudiences are restless.

Provided Information Memorably, receivers learn when directly involved in a presentation.


Our society is facing a knowledge gap. The growth in the technologics is allowing certain groups of people to have access to greater amounts of information. Because newer communication technologies require that users have both the skill to use them and the money to afford them, specialized knowledge and wealth enable some people to acquire more information than those who are not as fortunate.

Revisiting Chapter Objectives

1. Devine informative speaking.

2. Distinguish among three types of informative discourse.

3. Explain how to create information hunger and increase listeners comprehension.

4. Develop and present an informative speech.


Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps: for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they aught to be.-William Hazlit-.

It is not enough to identify the gene that predetermines the prospect of alzheimer’s disease if we go through the prime of life with a closed mind.-Tom Brokaw-.


When you deliver a persuasive speech, your goal is to modify the thoughts, feelings, or actions of your audience.

Persuasive Speech, a speech whose primary purpose is to change or reinforce the attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behaviors of receivers.


We can analyze the goals of persuasive speakers by examining what they want their speeches to accomplish. Many theorists contend that to persuade audience members to act differently. You must first persuade them to think differently.

Proposition, a statement that summarizes the purpose of a persuasive speech.

To what extent do you think job effectiveness is related to the ability to influence others? Explain your answer.


Persuasive speeches may be categorized as focusing on questions of fact, value,or policy.

Proposition of Fact, a persuasive speech with the goal of setting what is or is not so.

Proposition of Value, a persuasive speech that espouses the worth of an idea, a person, or an object.

Proposition of Policy, a persuasive speech on what ought to be.


Identify Your Goal, to be a successful persuader, you must have a clearly defined purpose.

Know the Receivers You are Trying to Reach, the nature of your task is partly related to the extent and type of change you hope to bring about in people.

Acting on a good idea is better than just having good idea.-Robert Half-.

Understand the Factors Affecting Your Listeners Attitudes

Attitudes, predispositions to respond favorably or unfavorably toward a person or subject.

Family,few of us escape the strong influence exerted by our families.

Religion, not only believers but also nonbelievers are affected by religion.

education, more people than ever are attending school, they start young , and many attend until they are in beyond twenties.

Socioeconomics, economic status and social status also shape our attitudes.

Culture, as seventeenth century poet John Donne wrote” No man is in island, entire of it self.” From the crib to the coffin, we are influenced by others in person and through the media.

If you say it enough, even if it ain’t true, folks will get to believing it.-Will Rogers-

Understand Your Listeners Beliefs

Your persuasive efforts will be facilitated if you understand not only your listeners attitudes but also their beliefs , and if you understand how audiences might respond when their important beliefs are challenged.

Beliefs, confidence of the truth of something.

Use Two Principles of Influence: Consistency and Social Proof

Consistency, the desire to maintain balance in our lives by behaving according to commitments already formed.

Social Proof, the determination of what is right by finding out what other people think is right.

Reason Logically, you will be more apt to achieve the goal of successful persuasive speech if you can give your listeners logical reasons that they should support what you advocat.

Deduction, reasoning that moves from the general to the specific.

Induction, reasoning that moves from specific evidence to a general conclusion.

Causal reasoning, speculation about the reasons for and effects of occurrences.

Reasoning from Analogy, reasoning by comparison.

Reason ethically, ethical speakers do not employ logical fallacies. A fallaciy is an error in logics it is flawed reasoning.

Argumentum ad Hominem, the use of name calling in an argument.

Red herring, a distraction used to lead the receiver to focus on an irrelevant issue.

False division, the polarization of options exist.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, the identification of a false cause.

Argumentum ad populum, a bandwagon appeal an appeal to popular opinian.

Argumentum ad verecudiam, an appeal to authority

Balance, a state of psychological comfort in wich ones actions, feelings, and beliefs are related to each other as one would like them to be.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a model that depicts motivations as pyramid with the most basic needs at the base and at the most sophisticated at the apex.


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